Supporting Children after a Frightening Event

Frightening and distressing events in the news can have a huge impact on children and young people, particularly those who may have been directly involved in an incident, who are grieving, upset, or understandably anxious about themselves and others.

In light of the recent events in Manchester and London, Child Bereavement UK have highlighted a really helpful and straightforward information sheet:

Supporting Children after a Frightening Event


“You can help children and young people feel safer sooner, by sticking to their normal routines as much as possible, and continuing with their normal activities when possible.”

“Children and young people need a truthful explanation that makes sense of the main facts, which is appropriate for their age. Even younger children can really benefit from being given a description and explanation of what happened.”  

They are also offering a series of free seminars and consultation sessions for school staff to aid them in supporting pupils following sudden and traumatic death.


Child Bereavement UK

Child Bereavement UK is a great charity that supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement. Do take a look at their website, and if you are a professional working with children or young people in the UK, you can sign up for more information here.


Counting my blessings: why is life so unfair?

Over the past few weeks I have once again been realising just how immensely privileged I am:



  • I have two quite amazing children who continue to be a source of love and pride
  • I have a really wonderful, loving wife with whom I can share this incredible life
  • I have a secure and enjoyable job which is meaningful and worthwhile, and which I truly love
  • I work with some inspiring colleagues who are passionate and committed to doing the best for children and families
  • I am extremely fortunate to know some exceptional friends, here in Coventry and around the world, who are prepared to stand up for what they believe – for truth, justice, peace and compassion – even when that brings criticism or personal hardship
  • I earn far more than I need, and have never had to experience the anxiety of not knowing where my next meal will come from, or how I am going to pay the next month’s bills
  • I am fit and healthy and able to enjoy the beauty of the world we live in, the joy of good companionship, and moments of peace and rest
  • I have never had to experience the terror of violence or abuse
  • Even in the awful grief of Helen’s death 4 years ago, and of my sister, Mei Ling before that, I have been surrounded by people who care for me and have held me through the difficult times


So, somehow, I have to live with the perplexity of why I have been so blessed while so many people, including some of my own friends have not been.

I pray that I may never take any of this for granted, as somehow being my right; that I will be able to enjoy and be grateful for the blessings I have received, while holding them lightly and in humility; and that perhaps in some small ways, I may be able to bless others too.
