Psalm 2019

Praise to you

Lord God of all creation





Praise for the beauty of your world

Praise for the delight of sun dancing on snow

Sparkling crystals and pure, clean white

Praise for the feeling of muscles stretched

Of purposeful strides and gentle ambles

Praise for the quiet stream and the steadfast bridge

Praise for the woodland garth

For lives well lived and lovingly remembered

For roots and trunks, branches and leaves

Praise for snowdrops springing forth

For new life, beauty,

Tenderness and tears.


Praise to you

Lord God of celebration

Praise for laughter

For hugs and moments shared

Praise for warming soup and wholesome bread

For feasts and banquets

For bright and sumptuous wines

Praise for music, melody and song

For symphonies and harmonies

For depths and summits scaled.


Praise to you

Lord God of all fulfilment

For purpose, meaning, substance

For service, gifts and skills

For science and discovery

For patterns taking shape

For art and creativity

For colours, movements, form.


Praise to you

The source of all

The goal of all my longings.


Praise to you

Lord Jesus Christ

Father, Spirit, Son

Creator and Sustainer

Great Mother, Gentle One.