Explore some of these ideas for creating a generous space of hospitality, and for honouring our care of creation:
- Surrender screen time – reduce or cut out screen time (computer, television, smart-phone) for a period, and invest the time in building relationships, partnership, community or drawing alongside another in some way.
- Downgrade efficiency and multi-tasking – be present to one task at a time, choose the longer queue at the supermarket, walk or ride or take public transport … as I squeeze less into life, I will find more time for prayer and reflection, and perhaps notice more of the marginalised people in society.
- Let go of spending – choose an area of non-essential spending (time, energy or money) to fast from. Instead, cook for yourself, offer hospitality at home, enjoy free recreation.
- Close up the dishwasher, and enjoy a conversation over washing and drying
- Choose to repair and maintain household items and clothing; don’t collude with the built-in obsolescence.
- Give up the expectation of all foods in all seasons: buy local vegetables, buy seasonal fruit, experiment with substitute ingredients in recipes (and educate the family along the way!)
- Check out this carbon footprint link – http://www.ashadesh.com.au/?page_id=511 and apply it to your household, church, workplace.
Reflecting on your own journey of the last week:
Using that prayerful practice many centuries old that can lead us to being mindful and present to the significance of our days and weeks .…the Examen:
- I invite the Holy One to bring to my heart and mind the times this past week where I have become more the person God is creating me to be.
- I ask God to bring to light the moments where I have become less the person God intended.
- As I let my feelings come to the surface in the silence, I breathe gently, and let God’s love fill me just the way I am.
- I give thanks for whatever I have experienced. I ask forgiveness where I need to.
- I rest and reflect.
Do I want to record my new commitments or share them with the household?