

What an incredible journey – with all its twists and turns; the rough and the smooth. 

All leading me, inevitably, to this present moment. 

Here, at the centre, resting, still, I find you.

My life source, my centre, the silent whisper of eternity.


My life is the labyrinth – its paths unfolding as I have walked; never knowing quite where it may lead.

I have skipped the road, struggled, run, crawled on my knees.

And now, walking lightly, I come to the heart, my heart.

And find you there, waiting.

Sitting still.  Being.

I am.


I am ready to continue this journey.  Wherever it may lead.  To walk this new path,

this ever-unfolding path of joy, of mystery, of love.

I can go, my heart full of wonder, knowing you are there:

my source, my centre, my journey, and my goal.



You are the earth on which these stones are laid,

the wind that stirs the grasses at my feet,

the river tumbling its way down to the sea.

You are the song of the birds in the trees around me,

the laughter of the children playing,

the silence of the mountains towering above.


You are in me.

And I in you.




It is enough

It is enough just to be still.

To sit in the present.


I don’t need to review the past,

or plan the future;

or read, write, draw.

I don’t need to write my next blog,

or solve the world’s problems,

or try to discern my life’s course.

It is enough just to be.


Come, walk on the water with me

Kapiti Island

Come, walk on the water with me!
I’m in the mood for impossible things!
Take out your heart of courage,
A lamp amid your fears
And walk on the water with me.

Let’s touch everything we see
And change it to hope
Our hearts let’s change to flesh
No more stones of apathy for us.

Let’s look at everything that could be
Believing it will be
If we dare to walk on water
Scared and hopeful.

Come, walk on the water with me!
Let’s wrap our fears in hope.
Across these waters we must go
Our lamps of courage high
Scared and hopeful we will go.

At the beginning of this water journey
We’ll be careful
But not too careful.
Being too careful is for the very scared.
The Kingdom of Heaven is not found
In being overly cautious
But in taking chances.

Come, walk on the water with me!
Hold high your lamp of courage
Put all your doubts away
Let’s take a chance on staying up.

Come, walk on the water with me!
I’m in the mood for impossible things.
I feel scared
Because it’s impossible
I feel hopeful
Because it’s not impossible
So, scared and hopeful
We will walk.
Walk on the water with me!

Macrina Wiederkehr