Child Death Review Publications


Garstang J., Ellis C., Sidebotham P. (2015) An evidence-based guide to the investigation of sudden unexpected death in infancy. Forensic Science Medicine and Pathology DOI:10.1007/s12024-015-9680-x

Sidebotham, P. (2015). The Challenge and Complexities of Physical Abuse. Child Abuse Review 24(1): 1-5.


Petrou, S., J. Fraser, et al. (2014). “Child death in high-income countries.” Lancet 384(9946): 831-833.

Sidebotham, P., J. Fraser, et al. (2014). “Understanding why children die in high-income countries.” Lancet 384(9946): 915-927.

Sidebotham, P., J. Fraser, et al. (2014). “Patterns of child death in England and Wales.” Lancet 384(9946): 904-914.

Fraser, J., P. Sidebotham, et al. (2014). “Learning from child death review in the USA, England, Australia, and New Zealand.” Lancet 384(9946): 894-903.


Allen, L., Lenton, S., Fraser, J., Sidebotham, P. (2013) Improving the practice of child death overview panels: a paediatric perspective. Archives of Disease in Childhood. Published online. 10.1136/archdischild-2013-305085


Sidebotham, P. “What do serious case reviews achieve?” Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2012  97(3): 189-192.

Sidebotham P, Fox J, Horwath J, Powell C.  Developing effective child death review: a study of ‘early starter’ Child Death Overview Panels in England. Injury Prevention 2011; 17 Suppl 1: i55-63.

Brandon M, Sidebotham P, Bailey S, Belderson P, Hawley C,  Ellis C, Megson M. New learning from serious case reviews: a two year report for 2009-2011. DFE-RR226. London: Department for Education, 2011.  ISBN 978-1-78105-123-8

Sidebotham, P., Brandon, M., Bailey, S., Belderson, P. & Hawley, C. Serious and fatal child maltreatment: Setting serious case review data in context with other data on violent and maltreatment-related deaths in 2009-10. DFE RR 167. London: Department for Education, 2011. ISBN 978-1-78105-023-1

Brandon M, Sidebotham P, Ellis C, Bailey S, Belderson P. Child and family practitioners’ understanding of child development: lessons learnt from a small sample of Serious Case Reviews. Research report DFE-RR110. London, Department for Education, 2011

Sidebotham P, Brandon M, Powell C, Solebo C, Koistinen J, Ellis C. Learning from Serious Case Reviews: Report of a research study on the methods of learning lessons nationally from Serious Case Reviews. London, Department for Education, 2010

Brandon, M., Bailey, S, Belderson, P, Gardner, R., Sidebotham, P., et al. Understanding Serious Case Reviews and their Impact. A Biennial Analysis of Serious Case Reviews 2005-07. London, Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2009 ISBN 978 1 84775 474 5

Sidebotham P, Pearson G. (2009) Responding to and learning from childhood deaths. BMJ 338: 531

Garstang J., Sidebotham P. (2008) Interagency training: establishing a course in the management of unexpected childhood death. Child Abuse Review 17: 352-361

Peter Sidebotham, John Fox, Jan Horwath, Catherine Powell, Shahid Perwez. Preventing Childhood Deaths: A study of “Early Starter” Child Death Overview Panels in England London: Department for Children Schools and Families, 2008 ISBN 978-1-84775-163-8

Peter Sidebotham, Peter Fleming. Unexpected death in childhood: a handbook for professionals. Wiley, 2007. ISBN 978 0 470 06096 4

Powell C, Sidebotham P, Horwath J, Fox J. (2007) Child Death Review Processes: Implications for School Nursing British Journal of School Nursing, 2(2): 60-61

Peter J Fleming, Peter S Blair, Peter D Sidebotham, and Tracy Hayler. Investigating sudden unexpected deaths in infancy and childhood and caring for bereaved families: an integrated multiagency approach. British Medical Journal, 2004; 328: 331 – 334.

Sidebotham P, Fleming P, Fox J, Horwath J, Powell C, Wallace K. (2008) Responding when a child dies [CD Rom]. London: DCSF

P Sidebotham, S Perwez, J Horwath, C Powell, J Fox. Responding to childhood deaths. NSPCC Exchange 2007; 4: 9





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